Monday, September 13, 2010

WPA poster

Why might the artist have used the particular setting?
Setting of the poster is storehouse because this poster is trying to promote store house/ market. The artist created store house filled with crops.

figure/ground relationships?
The relationship between figure and ground is that the crops from house ware are being prepare to other markets.

figure/figure relationships?
figures are similar shapes, colors which creates unity yet there is a big truck to create diverse and interest

What is the artists saying with the composition?
The artist trying to say with the composition is that there are many crops are stored and ready to deliver to close markets

What is the artists saying with light?
The light source is from left and the poster is a positive and bright.

How might you evoke similarly without any text?
I would put residential area image into the poster to promote that this market is near peoples house.

How might you change the mood without any text in a manner that stays true to the original artwork?
I might change the mood by adding more simple human figures to state that people are interested in this market Also take some fruit baskets out to make it less complicate.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Advertising Techniques

Magic Ingredients
The suggestion that some almost miraculous discovery makes the product exceptionally effective

A famous personality is used to endorse the product

he suggestion that the use of the product makes the customer part of an elite group with a luxurious and glamorous life style

Glittering Generalities
The message this commercial gives, through indirectly, is that if you buy the item, you will be using a wonderful product, and it will change your life.

Statistics and objective factual information is used to prove the superiority of the product

Paper Bombs

Leaflets-(Communication Arts / Journalism & Publishing) a printed and usually folded sheet of paper for distribution, usually free and containing advertising material or information about a political party, charity, etc.
Leaflets can be either encourage or destroy. Powerful images and words are used in posters to speak loudly. Simple image and short words are used but they can be powerful, and provoking.