Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Paper Bomb

This is one was before I made the changes.
I am not sure which color scheme is better????


  1. On your first poster, even though I like the font, it is a little difficult to read.

    I like the color scheme for your second poster that is the one on top that is directly beneath your cupcake poster. I would probably change the color of the font to match the color of the bowl. I like how you did the poster on the bottom by not having "avoid during exams" and having the "f = f" larger. I don't like the blue bowl because it looks like water. I like the total look of the mixer, bowl and contents on the poster on top. I like the fact that you can't see the line through it.

  2. I would like to see poster 2's color scheme on the third poster.

  3. Thank you guys SO much. The comments really helped me a lot!!!

  4. Thank you Victor. You basically summed up my paragraph into one sentence. Why didn't I think of that!
